What is an Endoscopic Brow Lift?
An endoscopic brow lift, commonly referred to as a forehead lift, surgically corrects drooping eyebrows and softens angry expressions that result from frown lines. Eliminating the wrinkles or deep grooves on the forehead, and repositioning the brow line to its ideal position, can take years off of your face.
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Who is a Good Candidate?
- Drooping brows
- Heavy upper eyelids
- Angry, tired appearance
- Sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids
- Horizontal lines across the forehead
- Deep furrows between the eyebrows
- Nonsmokers (no active smoking for 4 weeks prior to surgery or after surgery)
- Reasonable expectations
Why Choose the Endoscopic Method Instead of the Traditional Brow Lift?
There are many advantages to choosing the endoscopic brow or forehead lift over the traditional procedure. The primary benefit is the ability to place smaller incisions in the scalp. These incisions are placed behind the hairline so that they are minimally invasive compared to larger incisions used in direct brow lifts. The endoscopic procedure minimizes any complications associated with a traditional brow lift such as scarring, hair loss and numbness. This innovative surgical procedure is used to elevate the eyebrows, smooth the forehead, and decrease muscle contraction in the area between the eyebrows.
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How is it Done Endoscopically?
For the endoscopic lift, Dr. Sufyan makes a couple very small incisions in your scalp. An endoscope, which is a thin camera device connected to a TV monitor, is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing Dr. Sufyan a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. Another medical instrument is then placed in a different incision to help lift the forehead skin while the muscles and underlying tissues are either removed or reformed to give a smoother appearance. The eyebrows may also be lifted and held into their higher position by sutures beneath the skin.
When the lift is complete, the scalp incisions will be cleaned and closed with either sutures or stitches.
Because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive than the classic lift. You will have minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.
At Home Care after a Brow Lift
Prior to surgery, make sure your house is stocked with plenty of gauze and clean towels for when you get home after post operatively. Also, it is recommended to make sure you have the following:
- Plenty of ice/ ice packs for cold compress to help reduce swelling
- Extra gauze, dressings, bandages
- Pillows (you’ll have to keep your head elevated for a period of time)
- Ointment for the incision area (which your surgeon can recommend or prescribe, if necessary)
- Necessities required to clean the surgical site and drains
- Medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an endoscopic brow lift?
This procedure corrects drooping brows and eliminates any horizontal wrinkles and furrows that can make a person look either angry or tired. The muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are reformed to smooth out the forehead, raise the eyebrows and reduce frown lines.
What should I expect postoperatively?
Temporary discomfort, tightness of the skin, swelling, bruising, numbness and headaches are all possible side effects following the surgery. Bruising typically resolves itself within 10-14 days. The endoscopic brow lift is typically associated with minimal postoperative pain and much less swelling. Some slight discomfort and tightness from ear to ear across the top of the head and brow is common and can be controlled with pain medications prescribed by Dr. Sufyan. Numbness is also less likely with the endoscopic approach, but as the nerves heal slight itching can take place on top of the scalp.
Dr. Sufyan usually suggests icing around the eyes for forty-eight hours postoperatively to reduce the swelling. He also suggests to sleep with your head elevated for approximately 5-7 days following surgery to further reduce swelling. Dr. Sufyan will likely want to evaluate your healing 3-5 days post operatively.
What kind of anesthesia is used during a brow lift in East Lansing?
A ‘light’ general anesthetic for the endoscopic brow lift is recommended. This is tolerated better, as patients wake up speedier and are more relaxed and comfortable for the procedure.
At what age can a brow lift be performed?
A brow lift in Michigan is most commonly performed in the 40-60 age range in order to minimize the visible effects of aging. However, it is also done to people of any age who have deep furrows or frown lines due to stress.
What other procedures may be combined with a brow lift?
A brow lift can be combined with other facial plastic surgery operations such as blepharoplasty, facelift surgery, and neck lift surgery depending on the patient’s desired results.
How long does the procedure take?
The endoscopic procedure usually takes anywhere from 45 minutes up to 3 hours to complete.
Does a brow lift require an overnight hospital stay?
A brow lift may be performed in a surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgical center, or a hospital. You will most likely be able to go home a few hours after a brow lift surgery.
How long will I be out of work following a brow lift?
Rest and relaxation are strongly advised during the first week post-operative to speed up recovery and minimize bruising and swelling. After all bandages have been removed around two weeks after surgery, patients with sedentary jobs may safely return to the workplace. However, those whose jobs require physical exertion may need an additional 2-3 weeks before returning to work.
In every case, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary exertion for at least one month after surgery to avoid prolonged swelling.
Are there any medications that need to be avoided before surgery?
It is important to avoid taking certain medications, vitamins and herbs two week prior to your surgery. This is because some medications may cause you to bleed more than normal.
What are the risks of a brow lift?
Some of the potential risks are bruising and swelling that lasts longer than expected, anesthesia risks, loss of hair around the incisions, infection, irregular scarring, numbness of the forehead, or paralysis of the eyebrows/forehead.
Paralysis of the eyebrow occurs in about 1% of patients. This is because the facial nerve is closely associated with the tissues dissected during the brow lift surgery. If this nerve is injured, it can result in difficulty moving a portion of the face. In these rare cases, the nerve usually recovers within one year.
When will I be able to see results?
Results will start to be visible after the swelling and bruising have subsided. Because all individuals are unique, this time period varies. Final results are able to be seen approximately 5-6 months post operatively.
Where are the incisions made for a brow lift? Are scars visible afterwards?
Because of Dr. Sufyan’s endoscopic minimally invasive approach, the incisions typically include three to five short incisions along the top of the scalp and a temple incision on each side. These incisions will be completely hidden within the hair and leave no visible scars.
Will insurance cover a brow lift in East Lansing?
It’s important to understand that cosmetic surgery is typically not covered under most insurance plans. Coverage will depend on your insurance carrier.